Hosang Jeon


Personal Profile


"Can I say something?
Um, I'm the type of person that if you ask me a question and I don't know the answer, I'm gonna tell you that I don't know.
But I bet you what, I know how to find the answer and I will find the answer."

- "Fictional character: Chris Gardner". "The Pursuit of Happyness", 2006.

This sentence is a famous line by Will Smith in the movie "The pursuit of happiness" and it is the sentence that best describes me as a programmer.

I am a passionate, responsible and committed software engineer with the ability to build an application with robust and scalable architectures. My areas of expertise are designing data analysis backends employing distributed technologies in a cloud computing context and full-text search experiences.


스타트업 인 액션
기술 스택 선정, SEO, 로그 분석, 검색 및 추천, 보안, 개발 문화까지
전호상 저 | 이상과공상 | 2017년 4월 12일

스타트업을 시작하는 프로그래머를 위한 거의 모든 것

IT 기술 기반의 스타트업을 구현하려면 다양한 분야의 지식과 경험이 필요한다. 그러나 스타트업의 특성상 초기에 이러한 지식과 경험을 가진 전문가를 영입하기란 매우 어렵다. 그렇다고 해서 한 명이 모든 분야의 전문성을 갖추기란 어렵다.

이 책은 스타트업을 구현하는 데 필요한 각 분야의 기술을 알아보고 실제 구현하는 방법을 알아봄으로써, 스타트업에서 경험하지 않으면 알기 어려운 것들과 적은 인력으로 초기에 겪어야 할 기술적 수행착오를 줄이고자 한다. 또한, 알맞은 기술 요소 선택과 하나의 서비스가 어떻게 이루어지는지 관심이 있으신 분들께 추천한다.

  • 제1장 Getting Started
  • 제2장 프론트엔드 레이어
  • 제3장 웹 애플리케이션 개발
  • 제4장 로그 데이터 분석
  • 제5장 Full Text 검색과 추천 시스템
  • 제6장 인프라스트럭처
  • 제7장 아마존 웹 서비스 (AWS)
  • 제8장 보안
  • 제9장 개발 문화
  • 제10장 서비스 규모의 도약을 위한 준비
  • 제11장 결국, 제일 중요한 건 사람
  • 목차 더보기...


Tech Lead & Architect, Full-text Search & Development

Tech lead & Architect

  • Microservice Architecture design and implementation
  • Improvement of Microservice Architecture with Service Mesh with Istio
    • Introducing Service Mesh which is a dedicated infrastructure layer for facilitating communication between microservices using a proxy.
  • Doing DevOps to guarantee Service Reliability with container orchestration technologies such as Kubernetes.
  • Building and Managing a Tech team (Recruiting, Setting up Process and Development Culture)
  • Managing on-off line Security Vulnerabilities.
  • Article: The Role of CTO in Startup

Fullstack Development

  • Building reliable, maintainable applications with Java/Spring, Ruby on Rails, PHP/Laravel and Elixir/Phoenix in the way of well-formed ORM concept.
  • Single Page Application(SPA) front-end development using Vue.js and React.js


Graduating with double majors at Ajou University.

Ajou University, Korea

Bachelor of Information & Computer Engineering - Graduated: 2008

I attended classes in O/S, object-oriented programming (Java), computer communications, database management systems, algorithms, data structure, software engineering, and system programming.

Bachelor of Biological Science - Graduated: 2008

I attended classes in molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics. I studied not only biological theory, but also the way to research while doing lab internship.

University College Cork, Ireland

Visiting Student. Sept, 2006 - Dec, 2006

I studied in Ireland UCC (University College Cork) as a visiting student. I attended five major classes and I got an A+ in each one. It is guaranteed that I truly have no problem with communicating in English for work.


Software Engineer

COUPANG https://www.coupang.com/

Software Engineer / Seoul, Korea / July, 2021 - Current

Lead Software Engineer & Architect
  • Service Mesh adoption for whole system architecture.
    • Leads the Service Mesh adoption project to resolve pain points arising from the microservice architecture.
  • Distrubuted Tracing design and implementation for existing microservice architecture.
    • Focused on request/response payload tracing between hundreds to thousands of microservices

LOGISPOT https://www.logi-spot.com

Chief Technical Officer / Seoul, Korea / May, 2018 - July, 2021

Tech lead & Architect
  • Building Logistics platform which enables the digital transformation of corporate logistics.
    • Building an Open API for integrating third-party systems.
    • Handling Billions of Time series GPS data with Logstash/InfluxDB.
    • Building an Log Management infrastructure using SQS, Logstash, S3 and ProstoDB.
  • Doing DevOps to guarantee Service Reliability and cost-effective quality of service.
Tech Team Management
  • Building and Managing a Tech team (Recruiting, Setting up Process and Development Culture)
  • Direct the development and implementation of Logistics platform.
  • Managing on-off line Security Vulnerabilities.

JOBPLANET https://www.jobplanet.com

Software Engineer / Seoul, Korea / Nov, 2014 - May, 2018

Fullstack developmnt
  • Building a robust web application with Ruby on Rails (two million of MAU in average).
  • Global expansion to Indonesia (i18n, l10n)
Data analysis backend
  • Collecting logs and process KPIs such as MAU, DAU, Session durations, and Marketing campaign efficiencies. (PrestoDB, Elasticsearch, Logstash)
Personalized full-text search
Recommender system backend
  • Company recommender system using Collaborative Filtering (Apache Spark)
  • News collecting and displaying related news


Software Engineer / Seoul, Korea / Dec, 2012 - Nov, 2014

KT GenomeCloud platform (human genome annotation and context-based decision support system)
  • RESTful API server development (Node.js)
  • Distributed DB/searching system development (Elasticsearch)
  • Automated genome analysis platform development & maintenance (Java/Spring framework)


Software Engineer / Seoul, Korea / Jan, 2008 - Nov, 2012

Bioinformatics Algorithm Research & Development
  • NGS(Next-Generation Sequencing) alignment software development using C programming language.
  • Building web application with Java, Spring framework, JSP.
  • Adapted the Hadoop framework to handle big input and intermediate data, and developed some MapReduce programs to increase the performance of data analysis.